3 Yoga Poses for a Healthier Menstrual Cycle

In honour of women's cycles, we've collaborated with the lovely Charlotte Friedrich to bring you holistic ways to nurture your connection with your monthly cycle. Charlotte, an expert in cyclical wellbeing, has shared three yoga poses to support a healthy menstrual cycle and we've added some additional ways that we support our womanly flow too.

Meet Charlotte Friedrich

Charlotte holds an MSc in Wellbeing Psychology, is a Red School certified Menstruality Mentor, and a Total Yoga Nidra facilitator. Alongside running her wellbeing practice, Charlotte offers cyclical wellbeing consulting to businesses and one-on-one sessions at Aro Hā Wellness Retreat.

The Importance of Rest During Your Bleed

During your bleed, it's essential to slow down. Our culture often pressures us to stay active, but your body needs rest, especially as we near the end of our luteal phase leading into your bleed. During this season of your cycle you could opt for slow yoga or gentle walks instead of more intense activities. Tune in and listen to what your body is craving. If we could all live in the rhythm of our cycle and slow down when we're bleeding, then we'll set ourselves up for a healthy flow!


3 Yoga Poses to Support a Healthy Menstrual Flow

1. Hare Pose (Sasānkāsana) with Fists and Blankets

This pose eases menstrual discomfort by gently pressing on the lower belly.

  • How to do it:
    • Sit on your heels and make fists with your thumbs inside your palms.
    • Place your fists on your lower belly and move your knees slightly apart.
    • Exhale, round your spine, and move your buttocks back towards your heels.
    • Rest your forehead on the floor or a block.
    • Stay in this position for up to ten breaths or as long as comfortable.
    • If there's discomfort, place cushions or a blanket behind your knees.


2. Surrender and Worship (Pranāmāsana)

This pose can ease menstrual pain through a physical gesture of surrender.

  • How to do it:
    • Wrap a thin blanket around your belly.
    • Begin in Hare pose, then reach your hands out and slide forward until your chest and belly touch the mat.
    • Stretch your legs behind you with your big toes touching or heels together.
    • Rest your forehead on the floor or a folded blanket.
    • For added comfort, place a bolster or cushion on your lower back and breathe deeply.

3. Supported Forward Bend

This pose promotes tranquility and supports a healthy menstrual flow by gently stretching the inner thighs and nourishing the liver channel.

  • How to do it:
    • Sit on the edge of a folded blanket or cushion, with your legs out to the sides.
    • Use bolsters or a chair in front of you for support.
    • Rest your head forward on the bolsters, your hands, or the seat of the chair.
    • Adjust the height of the chair or bolsters to ensure your lower back is comfortable.


Additional Ways to Give Your Cycle Love

1. Herbal Tea of Rose and Hibiscus

Hibiscus has analgesic properties that can help reduce menstrual pain, while rose is known for its high vibrational energy for the divine feminine.

2. Vaginal Steaming

Reconnect with ancient wisdom through vaginal steaming. Use herbs like calendula, chamomile and rose to cleanse and rejuvenate. Steaming post-bleed can also help you feel renewed, as you journey again with your cycle.

3. Womb Massage

Bringing loving touch to your womb with yummy oils infused with herbs like rose, calendula or ylang ylang, can help us connect with our bodies, and encourages blood flow to our organs. Simply warm a small amount of oil in your hands and massage into the lower abdomen in a clockwise direction to compliment digestion.

4. Acupuncture

Chinese medicine often uses acupuncture to balance hormones. It can be particularly helpful if you experience endometriosis, PCOS, irregular cycle, painful periods, or to support the return of your menstrual flow postpartum.

5. Wear Organic Cotton Underwear by Day & Nothing at Night

Choose organic cotton to reduce exposure to toxins that can affect menstrual health conditions like endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids and other conditions such uterine cancer. At night, go underwear-free to let your vagina breath! 

6. Take a Good Quality Probiotic

Remembering that everything is connected, and often our gut is where our health concerns star–therefore a healthy gut supports overall wellbeing, including our menstrual health. Adding a high-quality probiotic or good sources of fermented foods daily is a must for a healthy menstrual flow.

Charlotte Friedrich is a leading expert in cyclical wellbeing. To learn more, follow her on Instagram @herinnerwilderness. All yoga poses are inspired by the book Yoni Shakti by Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. 

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